Hung 2015

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Development and Validation of a Novel Robotic Procedure Specific Simulation Platform: Partial Nephrectomy

Andrew J.Hung, Swar H.Shah, Leonard Dalag, Daniel Shin, Inderbir S.Gill


We developed a novel procedure specific simulation platform for robotic partial nephrectomy. In this study we prospectively evaluate its face, content, construct and concurrent validity.

Materials and Methods

This hybrid platform features augmented reality and virtual reality. Augmented reality involves 3-dimensional robotic partial nephrectomy surgical videos overlaid with virtual instruments to teach surgical anatomy, technical skills and operative steps. Advanced technical skills are assessed with an embedded full virtual reality renorrhaphy task. Participants were classified as novice (no surgical training, 15), intermediate (less than 100 robotic cases, 13) or expert (100 or more robotic cases, 14) and prospectively assessed. Cohort performance was compared with the Kruskal-Wallis test (construct validity). Post-study questionnaire was used to assess the realism of simulation (face validity) and usefulness for training (content validity). Concurrent validity evaluated correlation between virtual reality renorrhaphy task and a live porcine robotic partial nephrectomy performance (Spearman’s analysis).


Experts rated the augmented reality content as realistic (median 8/10) and helpful for resident/fellow training (8.0-8.2/10). Experts rated the platform highly for teaching anatomy (9/10) and operative steps (8.5/10) but moderately for technical skills (7.5/10). Experts and intermediates outperformed novices (construct validity) in efficiency (p=0.0002) and accuracy (p=0.002). For virtual reality renorrhaphy, experts outperformed intermediates on GEARS metrics (p=0.002). Virtual reality renorrhaphy and in vivo porcine robotic partial nephrectomy performance correlated significantly (r=0.8, p <0.0001) (concurrent validity).


This augmented reality simulation platform displayed face, content and construct validity. Performance in the procedure specific virtual reality task correlated highly with a porcine model (concurrent validity). Future efforts will integrate procedure specific virtual reality tasks and their global assessment.

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