Self-debriefing Model Based on an Integrated Video-Capture System: An Efficient Solution to Skill Degradation
Yang Kun PhDMD*†, Jacques Hubert PhDMD‡, §Luo Bin PhD†║Wang Xing Huan PhDMD*†
Video-based teaching is considered highly effective in debriefing, especially in minimally invasive surgeries. In this study, the benefits of using a new integrated video recording system, were investigated and compared to those of the standard basic skills robotic training procedure.
Fifty residents from the 2nd and 3rd year medical faculty without any experience of robot usage or laparoscopy were randomized into 2 groups: group A––a natural self-training group without a trainer, and group B––a self-training group assisted by an integrated video recording system during training. The training was divided into four 2-hour sessions, with a 72-hour delay between each session. Two tasks were selected for testing on the dV-Trainer, a virtual reality based robotic simulator: Match board 2 and Thread the Rings 1. After each session, the practice video recorded by the system of group B was transferred to the residents’ smartphones for self-debriefing. At the end of each session, the performance score was evaluated automatically by using the simulator to plot learning curves A and B.
Group A showed a significant drop in performance score due to skill decay caused by the 72-hour delay. Group B exhibited a regular stepwise rising learning curve. At the end of the training, group B showed a significantly higher performance score both in Match board 2 and Thread the Rings 1. The autoanalysis and capture function, which selects only the critical errors and most valuable parts, could facilitate time saving.
The use of an integrated video recording system makes the self-manipulated protocol with own smartphone feasible to improve training efficiency and overcome the skill decay during robotic surgical training.