Mimic Technologies releases MSim™ 2.2 update to robotic surgery simulation platform

Software update enhances dV-Trainer® simulator performance, offers preview of Robotic Training Network (RTN) exercises

MSim™ 2.2 software update

MSim™ 2.2 software update enhances dV-Trainer® robotic surgery simulator performance.

Mimic Technologies announces the release of MSim 2.2, the latest simulation software platform for the dV-Trainer robotic surgery simulator. MSim 2.2 brings functionality upgrades and enhanced performance to existing dV-Trainer customers and Mimic research partners worldwide.

MSim 2.2 also brings a preview of new dry lab simulation exercises developed in collaboration with the Robotic Training Network (RTN). RTN is devoted to standardizing the robotic surgical curriculum and education for residents/fellows-in-training.

The recently developed Tower Transfer and Roller Coaster exercises included in MSim 2.2 are life-like simulations of physical dry lab exercises RTN uses in an assessment program for their robotic surgical training curriculum. With nine exercises in total, the Tower Transfer and Roller Coaster modules are positioned as a preview of a full suite of RTN dry lab exercises on the dV-Trainer that will be available through an exclusive license to RTN members in 2014.

“It’s exciting to see RTN dry lab exercises crossing over into a simulation environment, and this marks the start of a new era of expanded access and greater flexibility for RTN network members for how they develop and implement robotic skills training,” said Martin A. Martino, MD (RTN founding member, Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Gynecologic Oncology, University of South Florida; Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, PA). “Performing the dry lab exercises on the dV-Trainer has the potential to help RTN validate whether these simulation exercises are associated with predictive validity to correlate simulation skills to patient outcomes.”

As with other dV-Trainer exercises, the new Tower Transfer and Roller Coaster exercises allow users to objectively measure their performance with MScore. Standard on the dV-Trainer, MScore is the only true proficiency-based scoring system for robotic surgery simulation skills development. MScore assessment is built on data collected from more than 100 experienced surgeons that have completed 75 or more robotic cases. Similar to the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) standard, MScore is based on expert mean and standard deviation data to facilitate credentialing and privileging.

“Mimic’s quarterly updates to the MSim platform reflect absolute dedication to providing dV-Trainer users with exceptional system performance and novel content,” said Jeff Berkley, CEO, Mimic Technologies. “And with MSim 2.2, we are particularly proud of our collaboration with RTN, as they are committed to standardizing the surgical curriculum for residents and fellows training in both OBGYN and Surgery ACGME educational programs. We believe their work will provide a significant improvement in patient safety as well as patient outcomes.”

Based on Mimic’s proprietary 3D simulation technology, the dV-Trainer provides the most realistic and life-like robotic surgery simulation for the Intuitive Surgical da Vinci® robot.

Mimic Technologies, founded in 2001 and based in Seattle, WA, is a pioneer and leader in robotic surgery simulation and training. The dV-Trainer was the first simulator to recreate the look and feel of the da Vinci® Surgery System from Intuitive Surgical. For more information: http://www.mimicsimulation.com

The vision of the Robotic Training Network (RTN) is to standardize the robotic surgical curriculum and education for residents/fellows-in-training (OBGYN and SURGERY) through the development of a collaborative network. This network is led by a multidisciplinary team of surgeons who are also Fellows in the American College of Surgeons (FACS) and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecology (FACOG) representing nine founding members from leading academic institutions in the United States. For more information: http://robotictraining.org