Events & News
Significance of Robotic VR Simulation on Operating Room Performance
John Lenihan Jr., M.D. As robotic surgeons, we have all used virtual reality (VR) robotic surgery simulators; although very few of us have had to utilize these in required training curriculums that mandate achieving proficiency prior to starting to operate on live patients. A recently published study in the British Journal of Surgery out of…
Better Together! Mimic and Surgical Science Merge
Mimic Technologies is delighted to merge with longtime partner and friend, Surgical Science! Big news to share with you all: Mimic Technologies now added to Surgical Science!
Mimic’s CEO Jeff Berkley Named in the Top 25 Voices in Healthcare Robotics
Jeff Berkley commented on LinkedIn, “So honored to be named as one of the ‘Top 25 Voices in Healthcare Robotics’! No way this is possible without the incredibly hard work of the Mimic team over the years. A huge thank you to all my colleagues! See full article here.
How to Maintain Robotic Surgery Skills During the COVID-19 Shutdown
Surgeons took many years to develop the skills and judgement that makes them good and safe in the operating room. Many studies have shown that these skills can degrade during periods of prolonged inactivity. Robot surgery skills in particular seem more prone to rapid degradation than other types of surgery. Early studies by Jenison showed…
The Growth of Robotic Surgery
Has the growth of robotic surgery been at the expense of open surgery or laparoscopy? One of the commonly held beliefs is that robotic surgery has helped increase the overall growth of less invasive surgery and particularly moved patients from having an open approach to a less invasive approach. This was definitely the case with…
Robotic Surgery Patient Costs
Patient Out of Pocket Costs for Robotic Cancer Surgery vs Traditional Open Cancer Surgery John Lenihan Jr., MD Robotic surgery has been criticized from the very start as being “too expensive.” Most of this criticism was based on early studies that compared the direct peri-operative costs of robotic surgery to open and laparoscopic surgeries. The…
What Does a Good Robotic Surgery Training Program Look Like?
by John Lenihan, Jr., MD, FACOG In the recent past, most surgical training programs were modeled on the Halstead Axiom of “See One, Do One, Teach One.” This was particularly true for robotic surgery training since many programs were overloaded with teaching traditional open and minimally invasive surgery skills to their students. Also, many educational…
Importance of Teams in Robotic Surgery
The disruptive technology of robotic-assisted surgery has enabled surgeons from many different specialties to now offer truly minimally invasive procedures to an increasing number of patients who previously were never candidates for this approach. However, this innovative technology has created unique issues in the operating rooms. One critical issue has been the effect that robotic…