Predictive Validity of Simulation Training for Robotic Surgery and Other Modalities
The big question that many doctors and hospitals continually ask themselves, “will this time I spend on a simulator actually end up having an impact on my patients?”, plays a big part in how training is structured. In terms of validation, correlating time spent on a simulator to improving patient outcomes is referred to as…
Read More Implementing Robotic Surgical Training: Thoughts from the French Academy of Surgeons
On November 13, 2015, a panel of experts in robotic surgery met at the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie (ANC) in Paris to discuss training in robotic surgery. The meeting was moderated by Professor Michel Huguier and the speakers included: Professor Rolland Parc, Conseil de l’Ordre des Médecins Professor Jacques Marescaux of IRCAD (the institute for…
Read More The Rise of Robotics
By: Jamie Loveland Originally published in UPMC’s First Friday Almost a decade ago, surgeons at UPMC began looking for better ways outside of minimally invasive surgery to achieve the same results as a traditional open approach for patients. They discovered they could use robotic surgery to perform complex procedures, resulting in very good patient outcomes.…
Read More Improved Training Is Key to Better Outcomes for Robotic Surgery
The following article written by Sarah Sherwood was published on OBGYN.Net da Vinci training is taking on new meaning. For those who prefer using the robot over traditional laparoscopic surgery, the news over the past year has been less than positive. Unreported adverse effects, the cost of the robot, and doubts about surgical skill have…
Read More Quality Health Care calls for Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery, with Specialized Training
The following guest blog post was written by Camran Nezhat, M.D. of Stanford University Medical Center. We are honored to have Dr. Nezhat speak at our upcoming product launch party during the AAGL conference in Las Vegas on November 6, 2012. If you’d like to attend this very special event, please RSVP here. By Camran…
Read More Researchers Announce New Curriculum Sharing For Surgeons
Novel Technology Released at American College of Surgeons (ACS) Conference A first of its kind program for surgeons has been developed by Mimic Technologies that will help identify which training programs are working for robotic surgery. The new technology, called MShare, provides a forum for surgeons and hospital administrators, worldwide, to communicate and share curricula…
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