This Week’s Special Events: Managing Risk in Surgical Robotics through Simulation Training + Robotic Olympic Games during SLS

Can’t join the event in person? Be sure to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN or Email to be notified when we post the video of this special event online!

Can’t join the event in person? Be sure to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN or Email to be notified when we post the video of this special event online!

Don’t miss Mimic’s upcoming Satellite Symposium on Thursday, August 29th, in Washington D.C., featuring some of the world’s foremost thought leaders in robotic surgery and simulation training.

This 1 hour special session on “Managing Risk in Surgical Robotics through Simulation Training” will be moderated by Rob Sweet, MD. Urology Professor and Director of Medical School Simulation Programs at University of Minnesota and include discussions with Tim Brand, MD (Madigan),  Pat Culligan, MD (Morristown Memorial Hospital), Eric Jenison, MD (Bellin Health), Jaques M. Hubert, MD (Nancy Hospital), Arnold Advincula, MD (Nicholson Center, Florida Hospital) and Rick Satava, MD (University of Washington).

The session is scheduled during this year’s Minimally Invasive Surgery Week Annual Meeting & Endo Expo at the Hyatt Regency Reston in Washington, D.C., from 11:30am – 12:30pm on Thursday, August 29, 2013. Those who cannot attend will have the opportunity to view a video from the session online. Be sure to connect with Mimic’s Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIN account to be notified when the video is posted online.
Keep reading for more details on what to expect from Mimic Technologies during Minimally Invasive Surgery Week Presented by Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons (SLS).

robotic surgery training

Attendees of SLS are invited to participate in the Robotic Olympic Games – qualifying rounds will take place at the Mimic Booth.

Robotic Olympic Games

Mimic will also be sponsoring the Robotic Olympic Games. All attendees are invited to participate in the qualifying rounds taking place during the exhibit hall hours at the Mimic Booth #28/29 on:

  • Wednesday, August 28th from 6:45-8:30pm
  • Thursday, August 29th from 7:00am-2:00pm


The finals will be held in the General Session – Grand Ballroom on:

  • Friday, August 30th from 9:25-10:10am.

Be sure to check back regularly at the Mimic Booth to see if you have made the top 10 contestants on the Olympics Leader Board!

Managing Risk in Surgical Robotics Through Simulation Training and Assessment

Rob Sweet, MD.

Rob Sweet, MD. will moderate the special session during Minimally Invasive Surgery Week

(Thursday, August 29th)
Moderator: Rob Sweet

  • 11:30-11:40 AM     Pat Culligan (Morristown Memorial Hospital) – The First Predictive Validation of a Robotic Simulation Curriculum: The Morristown Protocol
  • 11:40-11:50  AM     Tim Brand (Madigan) – Simulation for Surgical Warm Up, Resident Training, and Privileging
  • 11:50-12:00 PM     Eric Jenison (Bellin Health) – Skills Retention of da Vinci Surgery
  • 12:00-12:10 PM     Jacques Hubert (Nancy Hospital) – Integrated da Vinci Simulation Training for Surgeons and Nurses (example of an eleven day course)
  • 12:10-12:20 PM     Arnold Advincula (Nicholson Center, Florida Hospital) – Integrating Robotics Simulation Training into Master Level Courses (example of a two day course)
  • 12:20-12:30 PM     Rick Satava (University of Washington) – FRS Validation Trial: Completing the Full Life-Cycle Curriculum Process