Upcoming World Robotics Gynecology Congress Focuses on Surgeon Training and Simulation

Surgeon Training for Robotic Surgery

The 5th World Robotics Gynecology Congress comes to Chicago, Illinois on August 21 – 23, 2013. The 3-Day event represents an evolution in surgical instruments, techniques, outcomes, and experience from some of the most experienced robotic surgeons in the world. This years’ program also represents the 5th Anniversary of what has become the largest dedicated gynecologic robotics congress in the world.

Distinguished National Faculty including Mimic Technologies Founder, President & CEO Dr. Jeff Berkley, are scheduled to speak on robotic surgery training. (See full list of speakers here)

Day 3 of WRGC V is dedicated to Robotic Surgeon Training and Simulation. This includes Live Telesurgeries on both a Robotic Multi-Port and Single-Site Hysterectomy, lectures on the state of Robotic Surgery Simulation, Robotic Simulation Olympics, and a hands-on laboratory using various simulation platforms, such as Mimic’s dV-Trainers, the da Vinci Skills Simulators, and Hydra gaming controllers.

Todd M. Larson

Todd M. Larson, Director, Mimic Medical Education & Development

Todd Larson, Director of Mimic Medical Education & Development at the Florida Hospital Nicholson Center is working with WRGC to offer a general session that targets innovative ways to use virtual reality simulation as a means to build a successful Robotic Surgery Program.

“The recent debate on robotic surgery has focused too much on bad outcomes, lawsuits, and aggressive marketing. We feel that the discussion should focus more on potential solutions and how to build successful robotics programs” explains Larson.  “This is a great technology; however, surgeon training is key. This program will discuss credentialing, skills evaluation, residency & fellowship curriculum, objective-based evaluation, real world applications, and the future of simulation platforms. We hope that you take the opportunity to join us in Chicago!”

Larson continues to develop simulation-based curriculum available through MimicMed.

Register and View the entire program for the upcoming World Robotics Gynecology Congress, here https://www.nicholsoncenter.com/news-events/events/wrgc-v